Gallant meaning
Gallant meaning

gallant meaning

Contracted forms, especially after pronouns, began to appear 16c., as in sheele for "she will." In early use often -ile to preserve pronunciation. more gallant most gallant 1 / gælnt/ : showing courage : very brave The defenders of the fort made a gallant stand. The implication of intention or volition distinguishes it from shall, which expresses or implies obligation or necessity. The Germanic words are from PIE root *wel- (2) "to wish, will" (source also of Sanskrit vrnoti "chooses, prefers," varyah "to be chosen, eligible, excellent," varanam "choosing " Avestan verenav- "to wish, will, choose " Greek elpis "hope " Latin volo, velle "to wish, will, desire " Old Church Slavonic voljo, voliti "to will," veljo, veleti "to command " Lithuanian velyti "to wish, favor," pa-velmi "I will," viliuos "I hope " Welsh gwell "better").Ĭompare also Old English wel "well," literally "according to one's wish " wela "well-being, riches." The use as a future auxiliary was already developing in Old English.

gallant meaning gallant meaning

Sections: fore-mast lower-fore topmast-fore top gallant mast Main-mast: the tallest mast, usually located.Old English *willan, wyllan "to wish, desire be willing be used to be about to" (past tense wolde), from Proto-Germanic *willjan (source also of Old Saxon willian, Old Norse vilja, Old Frisian willa, Dutch willen, Old High German wellan, German wollen, Gothic wiljan "to will, wish, desire," Gothic waljan "to choose"). gallant a gallant warrior put up a gallant resistance to the attackers a dashing hero a gallant pageant lofty ships majestic cities proud alpine peaks. Like the other gallantry awards, this was introduced immediately after the Bangladeshi Liberation War.Īnother portion of the topmasts fell into the top- gallant. Herbert Mason, a recipient of the Military Cross for his gallantry in the Battle of the Somme directed the RAF flying sequences. Vizard is killed in the ensuing action, living just long enough to hear a message from the British admiral thanking Defiant for their gallant actions. Queen"s Police Medal (QPM) is awarded to police in the United Kingdom for gallantry or distinguished service.Įxcellent show of gallantly self-contained emotion, and Jennifer Jones is surpassingly sweet as a well-bred American daughter in the first bloom of womanhood. Scenes of amusement and gallantry in the representation of which he was immeasurably surpassed by his younger rival Watteau.Īlta California described the scene: Left helpless, anchors gone, sails clewed up, no friendly breeze, no hope, the gallant craft strikes and strikes the. Gallant adjective Bold or courageous Chivalrous or deferential toward women noun A man who courts or seeks the affection of women A young man who displays sartorial or fashionable taste Usage There are few traits quite as remarkable as bravery, because it is the sort of trait that can manifest in anyone under the right circumstances. Think of the lyrics to the 'Star Spangled Banner,' which describe the broad stripes and bright stars that were so gallantly streaming. You can gallantly slay a dragon or gallantly offer an elderly man your seat on the bus. " Unlike many other German propaganda films, Sieg im Westen does not belittle the enemy, instead admitting that the French soldiers fought gallantly. gallantly Add to list Share Use the adverb gallantly to describe something done in a heroic or chivalrous manner. N at 14 and was made Post Captain in 1793, his activity, gallantry, judgement and zeal were excelled by none in his profession and his numerous captures and successes were acknowledged by many public testimonials. Unit Citations 2nd Brigade, 1st Armored Division Valorous Unit Award CitationHeadquarters and Headquarters Company, 2nd Brigade, 1st Armored Division distinguished itself by gallantry in action from 26 to 28 February 1991, while conducting offensive operations against the Iraqi Republican Guard Forces Command during operation DESERT STORM. 1) Beau 2) Beau Brummell 3) Brave 4) Brave as any man 5) Chivalrous 6) Courageous 7). Honorable magnanimous chivalrous noble: as, a gallant antagonist. Aforesaid Manxmouse instead of yielding and being swallowed shall take a firm stand in his defense and bravely and gallantly show that he means to fight. Brave high-spirited heroic: as, a gallant officer.

Gallant meaning